Basic Business Role Plays (ISBN: 9781900783316)

Basic Business Role Plays (ISBN: 9781900783316)
Ürün Resimleri İçin
  • 94.05 ₺

En Ucuz : 94.05, En Pahalı 94.05, Toplam 1 Satıcı
The collection of activities and role plays in Basic Business Role Plays are suitable for use with students at pre-intermediate level and above. The themes have been chosen to be of interest to students already in work, as well as for those studying on pre-vocational courses.
Case studies set in a wide variety of international business situations
Easy-to-use role play cards in photocopiable format
Extensive teacher\'s notes, tapescript and answer key
Audio with additional information on the topic plus preparation for the activities/role plays, using a variety ofaccents

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