The Hound of the Baskervilles (ISBN: 9781599663104)

The Hound of the Baskervilles (ISBN: 9781599663104)
Ürün Resimleri İçin
  • 31.35 ₺ 29.70 ₺
  • Kazanç : 1.65 ₺

En Ucuz : 29.7, En Pahalı 31.35, Toplam 2 Satıcı
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle\'s captivating mystery - English language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as they read about the supernatural creature that is believed to have murdered the wealthy Sir Charles Baskerville. The legendary Sherlock Holmes is brought in to solve the case. Will he be successful? Students and teachers alike will be amazed to uncover the elusive truth behind The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Compass Classic Readers provide beginning and intermediate English language learners accessible adaptations of the greatest works of literature. Carefully designed to retell the stories using vocabulary and sentence structure appropriate for one of six different grade levels.

- Carefully graded, retold-stories using appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure
- Motivating full-color illustrations
- Discussion questions before and after each chapter
- A glossary of key vocabulary words
- A short playlet for fun classroom activities
- An MP3 CD of the fullstory

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